The man who was circumcised had the risk was far more smaller to be infected by the HIV, the cause virus of aids for reasons of biology, said the American scientists.Results of the research showed the man who was circumcised that the layer of outside skin the tip penis him (the part of the man's sex organ) was appointed had the risk of six to eight times was far more smaller to be affected by the HIV (Human Immuno-dificiency the Virus) the cause virus of the illness that attacked the system of body immunity (the AIDS) so as the patient will find it easy to be attacked by various infections and will result in fatal.
The researchers from Universtias John Hopkins in Baltimore, Marrland found circumcision to the man had the impact as the patron towards the HIV but towards the other venereal disease like syphilys (the king of the lion) or gonorrhoea (gonorrhoea) as far as this is concerned was not yet tested.
The "specification from relations between circumcision and the effect" of the "protection for the HIV more it was stressed in the biological factor and not in the behaviour," said Dr Robert Bollinger in the report produced by the research that was contained the medical Lancet magazine.Circumcision was the action that currently becomes the habit in the United States and already in for a long time was known the other connected part of the world was tight to the culture and the Islam religion.Bollinger and his team researched from 1993 to 2000 to several men in India where the circumcision habit not the matter that became the habit in the country.
The man's whole that totalled 2,298 underwent medical treatment for the sexual relations illness at the beginning of the research was found by the negative HIV but in line with status time of men's HIV experienced the change. "From several datas was found by circumcision to the man will reduce the affected risk" of the "HIV," said Bollinger.
Because the effect research of circumcision was carried out only towards the HIV then the similar effect towards the illness resulting from other sexual relations still could not be known.
However Bollinger and his friends attracted the conclusion produced by their research supported the effect hypothesis of the protection for the HIV to be caused was thrown away by him skin was most outside from the end penis that contained cells that was easy to accept the HIV that in the estimate of the scientists became this virus entrance gate in the man's sex organ.
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