The HIV virus attacked the cell CD4 and changed him into the breeding place of the HIV Virus just afterwards damaged him so as to be able to not be used again. White blood cells really were needed for the system of body immunity.
The AIDS was the abbreviation from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome that was the impact or the effect of the spread of the culture of the hiv virus in the living creatures body. The HIV virus needed time to cause the deadly and very dangerous AIDS syndrome. Aids as a result of by weakened or the disappearance of the system of body immunity that earlier was owned because of the cell CD4 to white blood cells that often were damaged by the HIV Virus.
When we were affected by our HIV Virus indirectly was affected by AIDS. to become the AIDS was needed by a long time, that is several years to be able to become the deadly AIDS. Someone could become the positive HIV. At this time did not have medicine, the serum and the vaccine that could cure humankind from the HIV Virus the cause of aids.
The method/the spread technique and the Spreading of the HIV AIDS Virus
- Blood
the example: tranfusi blood, was affected by blood hiv+ to wounded skin, was affected
by menstruation blood to wounded skin, the needle suntik, etc
- the Semen Liquid, Air Mani, Sperma of men
the example: the Man had sex without the condom or safe other, oral sex, etc.
- the Vagina Liquid to women
the example: the Woman had sex without safe, borrowed-borrowed sex aids, oral sex, etc.
- the Mother's Milk/ASI
the example: the Baby drank heeded from the woman hiv+, the man drank milk heeded his
couple, et cetera.
Body fluids that did not contain the HIV Virus to the sufferer HIV+
- the Saliva/the saliva/saliva
- faeces/the waste/tokai/the chapter/tinja
- water eye
- water sweat
- the urine/the urine/water peed/urine/urine
In Addition:
Don't expel and avoid the sufferer the HIV because they needed help and the support in order to be able to continue to live without many burdens and go to the house of god sincerely.
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