When being stated was infected by the HIV virus, the person will be concerned about continuation of his life. Usually, the person with the HIV/AIDS (ODHA) then will lose appetite ate because often experienced the thrush and diarrhoea as a result of his body immunity weakened. The HIV virus damaged the cell imum the body. The reason for the body experienced the failure of process metabolism of the occurrence of the pointed AIDS the death became faster. Most people with ODHA menujukkan his weight descended before dying. "So that his weight does not descend drastic and still could beraktivitas like originally asupan the nutrient must be paid attention to." With the status of the good nutrient, then resistance of the patient's body will with the HIV be better so as slow down entered the AIDS stage, said the nutritionist The infection hospital sulianti saroso, Ineu Sariningrum in Jakarta.
It was not doubtful that the war between the nutrient and the HIV in the body always will happen to maintain continuation of the ODHA. life could be said this was the competition between the HIV virus and nutrients. If the HIV virus damaged and destroyed immunity so as the body could not oppose the virus and the other infection, then was the reverse, nutrients formed the immune cell just, improved metabolism, and increased the weight (BB). According to Ineu, the handling of the nutrient to ODHA more must be paid attention to, moreover when they have drunk the medicine antiretroviral (ARV) that was useful to prevent and hinder the development of the HIV virus.
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