It was related that the discovery, the expert of virus microbiology from the Airlangga CA Nidom University when being contacted by Reform explained, in his trip the virus will experience the process of the adaptation. When being found that the malaria parasite gave room to move for the HIV to breed, there were two matters that could be considered. Firstly, the treatment what was given to this virus so as to be able to become more developing when the person with the HIV/AIDS (ODHA) was affected by malaria. Secondly, the treatment what uptil now was done to combat malaria, but precisely make the virus could develop.
"Some sort treatments must pay attention to the other illness." It was not automatic that ODHA if being affected by malaria immediately was serious, he said. As far as this is concerned, he revealed, did not yet have the answer that was certain about whether mosquitoes could be as the transmitter for the HIV, temporary the other data named even more spreads of the HIV through the needle suntik. To prevent the spread of the increasingly fast HIV, there is three matters that could be done. Firstly, the treatment of the HIV so that the development plasmodium was overcome. Secondly, the eradication of malaria so as the HIV did not develop. Thirdly, was linked with the mosquitoes factor that could become the HIV transmitter.
In the meantime, the professor of the School Of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia Samsuridjal Djauzi that menekuni the HIV/AIDS suggested, the research showed that the spread of the HIV/AIDS was still being caused by sexual relations and the use of the needle suntik in a changing manner. Whereas the cause of the ODHA death in each country really was influenced by the illness kind that was suffered by this country. In Indonesia, he said, the sufferer the HIV/AIDS was precisely aggravated by the existence of tuberculosis germs (TB). "In Indonesia the TB incident figure including high, so as the cause" of the "death to the sufferer the HIV/AIDS was highest was TB. Bagi ODHA that his body immunity descended, the germs became again active so as the TB increase in the HIV to increased very much," he explained.
According to him, when in an area happened endemic malaria, could became the cause of the death that was highest in the circle of ODHA. Malaria personally could be suffered because the malarial parasite indeed was in the body, or there also is one that is affected when his body immunity descended.
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